Action Learning Associates Blog

WTF Coaching

WTF stands for "what the f____"     It's a swear word.   You should know that. I swear by this:  WTF stands for "What's The Focus?" When you FOCUS on providing great value to people, then you will do so. When you focus on cheating people, then you will do so. WTF...

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I Only Sell Value

People buy products and services ONLY when they see tremendous value. When I need a discount I go to Amazon or Costco.  Transactional level of services.  I do not compete with such transactional "business coaches."  If someone wants information they can have it from...

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Define only 3 Top Goals, then 1 Top Goal

Jim Collins is credited with saying, "If you have more than 3 "top goals", then you will not make any a priority." Review your goals list.  Narrow it to your Top 3.  No more.  Stay focused on those. We know from research tinto successful people that they ALL have an...

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How to Live with Gratitude

There are only 2 times each day when you are alone with your thoughts.  No distractions.  No chaos... 1.  when you wake up and think... 2.  when you go to sleep and think... So, it should be no surprise that, throughout recorded history, wise people have urged people...

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Goals and our Reticular Activation System (RAS)

The Reticular Activation System (RAS) is that part of our brain that registers when we hear / notice something familiar amid distraction.  Imagine being in a crowded supermarket.  Then you hear your child cry out your name.  Your RAS immediately kicks in.  Endorphins...

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Choose Happy Pursuits

Thomas Jefferson described "The Pursuit of Happiness" as an eternal truth.  He wrote amid revolutions in France and the unformed United States. Recent research in neurobiology demonstrates that HOW we choose to live enervates different parts of the brain.  Yet so many...

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Goal Setting in 30 seconds

Bryan Tracy is famous for the "30-Second Goal Setting Test."  Here you go: 1.  Think about your goals. 2.  Write them down in the next 30 seconds. [pause and write...] Virtually everyone would lump their goals into 3 categories:  1.  relationship goals  (family,...

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Great Book: The Happiness Project

Hello fellow book lovers... Perhaps you have read or know The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  If not, I heartily recommend it for a book discussion group.  Or as a gift for loved ones. Great combination of self-disclosure, research, wit, personal development. I...

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10 Tips for Distinctive Client Service

Distinctive client service separates you from everyone else who talks about professionalism but doesn't deliver on it. You can use these 10 tips from a recognized, distinctive financial professional. They are relevant for any service professional, from consulting to...

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5 proven High-Impact Zero Injury Safety Techniques

In some business sectors there is mystery about what works.  Consider medical research.  Consider financial projections. There is little mystery in the safety profession.  You may work in insurance, preparing audits or claims.  You may work in construction,...

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How Co-worker Relationships determine Safety

There are many approaches to safety, depending upon your training or job title or perspective.  Some are listed below. But before looking at this data, answer this question:  How powerful are your co-workers? We know that peers influence us.  Look at Fantasy Football....

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Coaching without assessments is as smart as… as smart as eating pasta without a fork.  You can get something done.  But it's messy. Assessments define coaching success for several reasons.  At an organizational level, we define patterns, norms, needs, oddities.  At an individual level, we determine job...

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