How can I lead others?

This is a common question.  With both a simple answer and a complex answer.

The simple answer:  Serve others well.  Provide tremendous value.  

The complex answer has at least the following 5 points.


1.  Choose a BIG WANT.  Humans are aspirational- we aspire to do constructive work.  We aspire to build families, companies, wealth, happiness.  Our aspirations are reflected in art, architecture, net worth, hobbies, etc.  However, too many people lose their focus.  Perhaps you are representative.  As a child you may have had aspirations defined by others; such as get a job, or go to college or take care of your siblings.  As a young adult you may have had aspirations defined by you; such as, build a happy family, serve others, develop my business.  And all of us struggle.  Challenges exist.  Suffering exists.  In response, we need to choose an aspiration that is BIG.  When we choose a BIG WANT, not a small want such as material comfort, we become leaders.  The bigger our want, the bigger our impact as leaders.  A key coaching question is “What is your BIG WANT?”


2.   Choose a GREAT TEAM.  Humans are social creatures.  We evolve as a result of strong relationships.  Selling is based on strong relationships.  We can assess the market needs.  We can assess the strengths of others.  And we can build a great team to respond to that market need.  The most successful leaders have at least 6 people on their team who create creative tension and focus on results.  You may need to hire or develop a great team.  A key coaching question is “Who can you add to your team?”


3.  Choose constructive DAILY ACTIVITIES.  Leadership is not an occasional event.  Leadership is an ongoing process of daily activity.  Choose your activities carefully.  You have access to more digital information than ever in recorded history.  You should know WHAT works:  Good diet.  Regular exercise. Focused activity. Finding problems.  Solving problems.  Serving others.  Tracking activity.  A key coaching question is “How are you certain that you are making constructive daily activities?”


4.  Measure your Key Performance Indicators.  KPIs are used in all businesses.  What we measure leads to results.  Sadly, too few people measure their leadership efforts.  For many years, I have provided scoresheets, templates, spreadsheets to help others measure their KPIs.  A little structure helps.  Daily and weekly accountability sessions help.  Metrics define the score.  They are data points.  Like a line on computer software, KPIs determine your impact as a leader.  A key coaching question is “What KPIs do you need to measure today?”


5.  Remain humble.  I have had countless great teachers, from the finest universities on the planet.  Clients are the most instructive teachers.  Children are a close second.  All constructive leaders in recorded history shared the same trait:  we are all humble.  A key coaching question is “How are you showing your humility?”


If I had more time I might add more to this list…


Bottom line:  YOU can save time and money.  YOU can be a smarter leader today.


We all need coaches at times.  Call me at 704.995.6647 or subscribe now for details.  Or schedule your initial consultation here.


What are you waiting for?

Download this list of services and investment levels now:

How can I sell more to new customers?

I do not know the answer for you.  Yet.


I do know the answer for hundreds of other business leaders.  Since 1997 I have consulted and coached business leaders in manufacturing, health care, education, HR, safety, technology, finance and accounting.  I have guaranteed results for clients ranging from executive teams at F500 companies to small business owners struggling to make ends meet.


I do know the process.  I do know what works.


It costs much more money, time, and energy to attract new customers than it does to upsell to existing customers.  That is a fact.  Expenses vary from 2-7x the cost of upselling an existing customer.  Acquisition costs can be reduced when we work together.


You will need to 1) define the problems, 2) provide solutions, 3) model accountability.  I call this the 3A Coaching Process.


You are probably struggling with the following challenges:

  • people challenges
  • strategy challenges
  • execution challenges
  • cash and financial challenges


Typically, I define the problems using organizational and individual assessments.  I determine where you are making money.  And where you are losing money.  I determine how you need to present solutions to your target markets.


Then I provide a host of best-in-class solutions for you to sell more to your potential new  customers.  They must learn about you.  You must provide tremendous value.  (This website is an example.)  When your prospects receive tremendous value, then they will be inclined to purchase your products and services.


Then we model accountability so that you move beyond good intentions.  We want you to sell more services.


We have hundreds of executive consultants and behavioral coaches, with expertise in sales, so we can help you immediately.


Call Doug Gray, PCC, at 704.995.6647 or contact us to help you sell more of your services to your existing customers.  Schedule your initial consultation here.

What are you waiting for?

Download this list of services and investment levels now:

8 reasons why you need a list of qualified alliance partners for your business

Business has always been defined by who you like and trust.  Those who deliver get the best results.

Future business will be defined by the quality of your web of qualified alliances or partnerships.

A friend is a successful realtor.  When people call he asks, “Would you like a list of qualified services that may be interested in helping you and your family?”  They typically say YES!  And he hands them a list of his favorite plumbers and dentists and… you get the idea.

As an expert in leadership development, here is my current list of qualified alliance partners and experts:

  1. Assessments. Doug Gray, 704.895.6479;  Adam Ortiz, PsyD, 704.248.0863
  2. Coaching and consulting. Doug Gray, 704.895.6479
  3. Change management.
  4.  Strategic Planning. Aviv Shahar, 425.415.6155
  5. Business development and sales
  6. Operational efficiency.
  7. Marketing.
  8. Social media.
Note:  I am expert in only 2 of these 8 categories.  I am delighted to post only 2 other service providers.  I am glad to provide the remaining names and links upon request.
Please call me at 704.895.6479 now for the remainder of the list.  Or to discuss your needs for your business.
If you think you belong on my list, please contact us.
If you are serious about your business, create your own list now.  Why wait?  I have 8 reasons listed above…

To ignore millenials is to commit marketing suicide

Open your eyes!  How much time do you spend with millenials?  Not only do millenials consume the most products, they also expect results.  They are 50% of the workforce in 2018.
To ignore millenials is to commit some form of suicide.

Here are 6 steps for you and your company:

1.  Mobile web-based experiences are a $10 billion dollar industry, with over 7 billion phones.  We now have nearly 4x more mobile browsers than the number of desk-based browsers.  Follow the numbers.  Follow the money.

2.  We can provide emotionally-provocative experiences that combine digital and physical activities.  Here are several examples.  When you go to the zoo you can now rent a GoPro or Segway to make your experience unique.  When you go to a park you can use your mobile device to geocache.  You can have a “Yelp Night” and move from restaurant to bar in any unfamiliar city.    When you go to a conference you can tweet about and score the presenters, in real time.  However, at most amusement parks and concerts we are not doing anything about the visitors who are standing in a line (bored) or tweeting or Face-booking their friends to “stay away” from your business or event.  As a more costly example, we are not doing anything about low compliance with incentive reward programs.  In fact, industrial organizational researchers tell us that some 35% of the US workforce is not engaged in their jobs.  We sorely lack emotionally-provocative experiences that combine digital and physical activities.

3.  In response to these market needs, I have developed a mobile web-based app that can guarantee engagement for any clients.  This app enables clients to have a pre-visit and post-visit experience that integrates their event with any content.  The event becomes a process.  For instance, if a client wants to assign pre-visit training or reading content, the app can assess their engagement.  Using a leader board and social media, they can increase accountability.  They can market and promote the company.  They can include video and photo uploads.  They can earn points by doing more activities.  They can return to the venue.  The app can be delivered in hours, under any name.  And it can be scaled for any sized organization.

4.  Large corporate clients expect global delivery capacity.  Every successful Free Agent has a network of alliance partners.  The myth of the solo-preneur as a lone wolf is dead.  For instance, the largest provider of leadership development coaches is, founded by Brian Underhill and Marshall Goldsmith.  Marshall is described as the #1 leadership consultant in the U.S., according to Harvard Business Review.  I am the southeast engagement manager, and represent 1,200 leadership coaches in 60 countries.  We can provide expert leadership coaching to any clients.  A bold claim, but a well validated claim.  We can deliver the value of global leadership coaching to your current clients.  And we can design programs that include a cycle of regular visits to any location with reinforcements from the very best leadership coaches.  Those individual and group agendas typically yield a 500% ROI.

Digital and Global solutions not only satisfy millenials.  They lead to results.  They are required solutions.

If you are a solo-preneur, develop strong alliance with the smartest partners that you can find.  Today.

If you are a business leader, call Doug at 615.236.9845 If I cannot help you I will find someone who can.  Today.





Expert interview with my brother, Stuart Gray…

Expert interview with my brother Stuart Gray, founder/president of, and
Stuart is an expert sales consultant, recruiter, customer service trainer and technology provider for independent restaurants.
Based near Minneapolis, MN he promotes excellent customer service throughout the world.
Check out this MP3…
Stuart Gray 7.19.13

Book Review on “The Dan Sullivan Question” (2009)

I’ll give the book 5 stars for the model, and 3 stars on the writing quality.  This review will focus on the model behind “The Question.”

The subtitle explains its lofty vision:  “Ask it and transform anyone’s future”

This book was referred to me by several clients.  They had taken part in the Strategic Coach Program.  They wanted to work with me because they needed more customized executive coaching.

Also, I have been solicited by Strategic Coach sale people to attend their program.  (I must have attended a webinar.)

Dan Sullivan has coached over 13,000 business leaders and entrepreneurs, over 20 years.

So, what is the one question that 1) warrants a book, 2) warrants so much acclaim?

He starts the book with an anecdote from a business leader who feels: 1) confused, 2) isolated, and 3) powerless.  Despite his financial success, he is working long hours.  He needs a better system.  Like many people, that business owner is seeking how to 1) transform confusion into clarity, 2) isolation into confidence, and 3) powerlessness into capability.

Sound too magical or impossible?  Give this review another minute.

Imagine that you respond to that business leader with a question of your own.  Your question has two parts.  Part one is this:

“If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”

Sullivan found that 85-90% of these business owners pause, then provide a substantial answer.  These are the “users.”  These people become your prospects and clients.  And you can ask them part two of the question.

5-10% of the business owners are confused.  They cannot abstract or imagine the future in this way.  These are not your prospects or clients.  Thank them and move on.

And less than 5% of the business owners are “refusers.”  They are not willing to embrace a relationship.  They refuse to answer the question.  Therefore they have just saved you tremendous time and energy.  Thank them and move on, quickly.

Notice how you are pre-qualifying your prospects?  Notice how the question is all about building rapport?  Notice how the question is all about the other person– their aspirations and vision?

Humans are aspirational.

Some characteristics of this question include:

1. it is futuristic, and implies a continued relationship with you

2.  it is specific to a time period– “in three years”– which most people can envision and describe

3.  “looking back” requires synthesizing skills, abstraction, and specific descriptions

4.  “for you to feel happy” is subjective, and happiness is the primary motivator for mankind.  Through all recorded history.

Now that you have asked that business leader part one of the question, you are ready for part two.  Sullivan calls part two the D.O.S., an acronym standing for Dangers, Opportunities and Strengths.  You can use simialr words.  The point is to use specific words that help others clarify their intentions into actions.

Part two of the question is:

“Specifically, what dangers do you have now that need to be eliminated, what opportunities need to be captured, and what strengths need to be captured?”

This structure invites the other person to articulate specific Dangers/ Opportunities/ Strengths.  When I have used this question I ask for permission to record notes.  Then I help the other person articulate their top three items.  Then I provide those notes as a gift.  Or a coaching focus.  The results have been astounding.

Now imagine putting part one and part two together…

“If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three years, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”

“Specifically, what dangers do you have now that need to be eliminated, what opportunities need to be captured, and what strengths need to be captured?”

Can you imagine adopting this as a script?

Print this blog article.  Forward it to your team.  Then adopt this script.

It has helped me.  It has helped thousands of entrepreneurs focus on adding value and transforming others.

Yes of course, I can help you implement this model into your business. 

Then call me at 704.895.6479.  Tell me what you think.

Or add a comment below…






